New banner, with slogan!!! Thanks Jose

Clips at our little stall

Part of our stall

Aaliyah at the Hear and Say play group
We had a very successful market stall on sunday, raising nearly $900 with a few more payments still pending (which should bring our total to around the $1000 mark). There are a few people that I would like to publicly thank for their help, in no particular order:
Jose - designing our banner and business cards
Janine - for your sewing skill and your dedication
Pip - for printing out our tags, and allowing us to take over your house in our market prep frenzy
Sandra - for watching miss Aaliyah for a few days so that I could focus on preparing
Bec- chief babysitter of miss H on the day
Jess- for making clips, spreading the word and helping man the stall on the day
Heidi and Petter - without your support, and spruking of our stall it would not have been a success (Petter was also the lucky winner of our raffle), and heidi for your clip making skills
Nicola - thanks for helping with the decorations, the stall and for clip making
Hilary - For helping assemble our tags, Hilary is currently raising money for canteen by doing the kokoda trail next april, support her by visiting her site www.everydayheroes.com/hiking4heroes
Diana Hurman and Diane - Thank you for your wonderful sewing skill and contributing SOOOOO much to our stand
Alicia - for selling chocolates for us at your lolly stand
Merlo Coffee for the wonderful hamper that you donated that we were then able to raffle!!!
Im sure that there are a billion more people that I need to thank but that list will have to do for now.
We have also gotten business cards printed, if you would like one (or 10) email me at amyjperdomo@hotmail.com, your address so that I can send you some!
We are so excited at how thing are going and looking forward to an even bigger and more successful 2012.
Now onto a completely different note. Aaliyah attended the Hear and Say playgroup break up. The media were there, so chances are her photo will pop up somewhere. RACQ care flight donated Christmas teddy bears for all of the children as well as a book. A lot of the supporters of the Hear and Say centre were there so it was a very big and busy day. If you are a fan of the hear and say facebook page, you will notice that Aaliyahs photo is featured. Aaliyah was a bit overwhelmed that day as it was very busy and there was a lot of noise, something that children with hearing impairment struggle with.
We are noticing more and more Aaliyah's struggle with directional hearing, further cementing that we have made the decision to correct her hearing loss by going to America to get the atresia repair.
Aaliyah has also had trouble keeping her sunglasses on, she gets very frustrated that they do not stay on straight. We cannot wait until she has her new ear and she can wear her sunnies with no issue.
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