Thursday, 7 June 2012

Its been a while. Too long in fact. I havnt kept up with the blog and I wasnt too worried as I thought that our families were the only ones to read it. But having had several people comment that they have missed our blog has encouraged me to update.

We have had a crazy crazy crazy few weeks in our household. In order to keep this brief I will write down the last 6 weeks or so's activities, in no particular order:

  • Aaliyah has had not one but TWO admissions to hospital for her asthma. Its winter, so as soon as the cold comes so does the asthma. We try not to go out before 9am and are always inside by 3:30/4pm at the latest. I hate having to restrict our activities but I hate watching her struggle to breath more

  • We moved house!!!! HOORAY!!!! Both the girls are so much happier, we have so much more space and a huge patio and backyard. Its an easy 5 minute stroll to the park and only a 2 minute walk to my parents house. We are saving so much on petrol as we are closer to work/uni/shops/music/playgroup etc. 
  • The week of moving house we all came down with a nasty gastro bug. It was horrible, one by one we got sick. It took nearly 2 weeks for everyone to get better. The bug started 6 hours after Aaliyah's first hospital admission. 

  • We then all got tonsillitis, well 3 of us, Aaliyah was spared, but Jose, Hadassah and myself were all miserable, thankfully we recovered quickly once the antibiotics kicked in.
  • Exam time is upon us and Jose and I are busy trying to play catch up with our classes. Never a dull moment in our house, we both work, we both study and neither girl goes to daycare!!!!! Its the ultimate juggling act!!!!!
  • We have started going to a Mainly Music class on a friday morning and both the girls seem to really love it. Its so good for their learning and socialization. 
  • Aaliyah's hearing aid keeps on playing up. We have our name on a list to try a different hearing aid, a BAHA on a softband. Hopefully this will happen in the next few weeks and we will have it on loan for 3 months. All the feedback we have heard about this hearing aid has been very positive. 
  • We continue to notice that Aaliyah's behavior is much worse if she does not have her hearing aid on. She is booked for another hearing test in July, I am interested to see how good her hearing is in her "good" ear.
  • Brisbane artist Tracey Kellar has donated a wonderful print for us to raffle. The raffle is continuing until the end of June and it seems to be going well. We are continually humbled by complete strangers being willing to help. 

  • The butchers at Meat @ Metropol continue to be amazing supporters. They will be working closely with us as we continue to work out details for our big dinner/auction. We cannot thank them enough.

  • Aaliyah and Hadassah are flower girls for Jose's sisters wedding  on June 16. Jose is a groomsman and I am a bridesmaid, it will be an amazing day and we are looking forward to watching Jocelyn and Andrew become husband and wife. We have been busy in the last few weeks doing last minute bridesmaid/groomsman duties :)

  • We have also recently found out that Hadassah is lactose sensitive, since putting her on a lactose free formula (she self weaned at 9 months) she has been a new baby and has finally started sleeping at night. 
  • Aaliyah has another auditory/verbal therapy review on June 20, I am looking forward to seeing how she is progressing and if their are any areas we should be concentrating on. 

Thats all for now, be back in a few days detailing more fundraising updates etc.. xx

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