Wednesday, 2 April 2014


The first few months of Aaliyah's life were the hardest, loneliest months of my life so far. We were lost, oh so lost. But slowly but surely we dug our selves out of the trenches, found some answers and found support. 

Its a funny little world you find yourself in. Thrust into a world where audiology appointments and speech assessments are the norm. Appointment after appointment. Some days were HARD. Trying to get an eight month old baby to keep a hearing aid on (and out of her mouth) was no easy task. There were days (and still are days) that I want to throw that hearing aid against the wall and walk away from it all. For good. 

The only reason we have managed to carry on and not give up is because of our village. They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, we have a village, not only for our children but for us as well. And to say that we are blessed would be an understatement. What we lack in finances we more than make up in support. And I am not just talking about financial support (although our friends, family and strangers have been more than generous). It is so much more than that. 

Friends that drive from one end of Brisbane to the other, just to pick up a fundraiser tin. Those that volunteer at each of our fundraisers and those that turn up to each and every event. The ones that send me emails and messages, checking to make sure I am ok, is there anything they can do. 

Its the people that we have never even met donating, spreading the word. 

Its the friendships made, bonds that have been formed. 

It is for this reason, that despite the challenges, the hard times and the dark days, Im not sure I would change it. In some ways, I am grateful for Aaliyah's microtia. It has opened up my eyes to just how amazing this life is, how compassionate the human race can be. The past four years have seen up witness some of the most gracious acts, the best of humanity. And for that, we are blessed. How many people go through life without really, REALLY seeing just how amazing man kind can be. We have, we have seen it, we have lived it, and we are thankful for it. 

We have some hard times ahead. We have eight short months to some how come up with another $60 000, a near impossible task. On the days that I feel like giving up, I just need to look at where we have come from. And the support we have. Our family, our friends and our followers. Aaliyahs Journey facebook page has 788 followers, many of whom I do not personally know. When my spirits are low I just need to look to her facebook page to see just how much support we have. 

A HUGE HUGE thank you to all that have followed our journey so far, those that have been there from the beginning and those that have just started walking with us. 

This post is dedicated to our support network. We could not have asked for a better network for to walk this path with us. Without your support giving Aaliyah the gift of hearing would not have been a thought to be considered. Together we will get Aaliyah to the states. 

Blessed Beyond Measure x



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